
wingwave®/EMDR Coaching in Cologne and Online:Effective short-term Coaching for lasting Change

wingwave® Coaching and the Emotional Intelligence of our Brain

wingwave® or EMDR Coaching is a very effective method that combines the latest brain research with special formats from classic and systemic Coaching. It allows you targeted access to your creativity and self-motivation.  Deeply ingrained unwanted behaviour patterns, fears or phobias, blockages or beliefs can be overcome.

As certified wingwave® Coach I offer sessions online and one-to-one.

The wingwave®/EMDR Coaching Method: Activation of your inner wisdom, dissolution of beliefs and fears, stress reduction, inner balance and resilience building

Wingwave® Coaching is a short term method, which stimulates your system to transform stress, anxiety reactions, recurring negative beliefs, feelings or behaviour patterns, which you might find burdensome or limiting. Negative experiences or events from the past are processed and integrated. Each wingwave® Coaching session finishes with anchoring the resources you need for your healthy emotional and/or mental balance.

Youtube Video: What is wingwave? Contact me for Information, Pricing and Scheduling

wingwave®-Coaching can be used for concerns about (selection) :

More Info
  • Stress and the feeling of excessive demand
  • Emotional or mental Blocks
  • Unwanted behaviour
  • Negative beliefs
  • Phobias
  • Separation pain
  • Performance anxiety
  • Exam nerves
  • Sleep disorders
  • Preventive health
  • Fear of flying, fear of the dentist
  • Eating disorders
  • Quitting smoking

wingwave® coaching and wingwave® online coaching

short-term methods are used, among others, for:

    Stress and the feeling of being overwhelmed To build up resilience (strengthening your psychological resistance) Emotional or mental blockages Undesirable behavior To reduce fears and negative beliefs Separation pain Appearance stress

Learn more about embossing
    Sleep disorders Fear of exams Fear of flying Fear of the dentist Phobias Health care Eating disorders Obesity Smoking cessation and much more


Trauma: A slightly different fairy tale

Achieve Success with wingwave®-Coaching

The wingwave method is a form of performance and emotional Coaching that quickly and tangibly reduces performance stress and increases creativity, mental fitness and the ability to cope with conflict for the coachee in just a few sessions.

This resource effect is created by a basic intervention that seems very simple: the creation of ‘alert’ REM (Rapid Eye Movement) phases which we humans only experience while asleep and dreaming. As your Coach I´ll guide your gaze to and fro horizontally using rapid hand movements.

It is scientifically proven that during the REM phases while awake, parts of the brain which had previously been disconnected, join together in an optimum cooperation causing feelings of stress to noticeably ebb away – the back and forth eye movement is essential for the brain (hemispheres) to rebalance, a fixed gaze would not work. The "motion" of the eyes is therefore an effective trigger for positive "waves".

This process is combined in wingwave® Coaching with the Client´s inner images, thoughts and physical sensations, thereby activating their creativity and 'inner wisdom'. In this way, using their own behaviorial and resource repertoire and their own ideas, they develop their own personal way to the changes they desire.

As an alternative to "waving", I might sometimes works with bilateral tones or light tapping techniques called "tapping".

Using the  Myostatic Test , a  particularly well-researched muscle feedback tool, the exact issue is determined in advance and the effectiveness of the intervention is examined afterwards.

Transform Boundaries and Imprints

Excessive demands, severe stress, threat or trauma can severely influence and cause imbalance in certain regions of the brain. Sometimes this happens (already) prenatally, in early childhood or at school.

Our brain, as well as our cell and muscular structure - our 'body memory' - store emotional and/or physical stress as negative experiences.

This stored information can be reactivated by certain, sometimes actually completely harmless triggers in the present.

If our brain is reminded of a negative experienc by a 'trigger', e.g. an image, smell or specific word, even decades later and usually within nanoseconds we respond exactly as we learned to respond earlier to a fear- or stress-inducing event.

The good news is: Our brain can re-learn.

It  changes with our experiences.

Like each of us, as we get older, our brain learns to re-evaluate certain events, experiences or emotions. It can also process information in a new way by forming new neural links. This process can be supported by wingwave®-Coaching in an extremely effective way.

Please note: The method is one possible module in the Coaching Process and cannot replace any Psycho– or Trauma-Therapy.

Learn more about imprints Trauma: A slightly different fairy tale

wingwave® Coaching with "Magic Words and "Magic Talk"

In wingwave®-Coaching, we also work with the amazing free wingwave® App "Magic Words and Magic Talk".

This gives you a good basis for Self-Coaching at home later on.

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Tastatur, Kopfhörer, Maus und Schreibblock für wingwave-Coaching mit der App Magic Words and Magic Talk

Wingwave® Coaching has been certified in quality management according to TÜV ISO 9001/2000 since 2008.

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