Coaching in Nature

Coaching in Nature

It is Your Way - Some can walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you. (Rumi)

"Energy follows Attention - what you pay Attention to, grows."

Baum bei Kirsten Pape, Coach und Paar-Coach in Köln

Coaching Walk in Nature (Cologne Area):

Discover new Paths and get inspired by Nature

A Coaching Hike can support you if you:

  • Feel stuck in a crisis or situation of upheaval
  • Want to to get more in touch with your feelings, your body and yourself again
  • Want to recognize and overcome avoidance strategies, fears and feelings of powerlessness or blockages
  • Feel overwhelmed and want to find more inner peace and serenity
  • Need to take stock of where you are and develop new perspectives for your life and work (and implement them in your time)
  • Want to bring more self-determination, satisfaction and meaning into your life
  • Want to find access to your perhaps previously unlived potential
  • Want to discover - and live - a healthy work-life balance
  • Experience conflicts in your workplace for which you see no solution at the moment

Mindful Nature Coaching for Individuals and Couples

The Coaching Hike, individually tailored to your Needs, takes place in the district of Windeck

(60 km distance from cologne)

Duration: 3 or 5 hours (excluding Arrival and Departure).

 I  also offer an Intensive Coaching Day or an Intensive Weekend in Windeck.

Arrival by Train is possible. The Place also offers overnight Accommodation. All offers are suitable for Individuals and Couples.

Contact me for Information, Pricing and Scheduling
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