Self-Coaching Exercises

Life Coaching in Cologne an online: Self-Coaching-Exercises

Self-Coaching Exercise: Gratitude

Buddha bei Übung für das Selbstcoaching

Keep a “gratitude journal”.

Every day in the morning after getting up or before going to sleep at night, write down at least five people / experiences / things etc. for which you are grateful.

Reflect on and feel what you have just written down.

Relax your parasympathetic Nervous System

Schlafende Katzen bei Kirsten Pape, Coach und Paar-Coach in Köln

Our parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for calming us down and "digesting" our daily stress. When we are tense, stressed, or irritated, the muscles in our body tense up to fight, flee, or freeze - the body's natural response to stress or what our nervous system perceives to be a threat.

With a few simple breathing and physical exercises, we can activate our parasympathetic nervous system:

* Relax your tongue and jaw. Touch your lips with your fingers and open them slightly.

* The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for exhaling. Breathe for at least one minute with inhalation and exhalation at the same length.

Each time you inhale, count to 5 or 6,  notice the short pause until you exhale  again counting to 5 or 6.

* Lay comfortably on your back. Relax your diaphragm by stroking your ribs from the centre to each side. Repeat this a few times. Then place one hand on your abdomen below your ripcage and breathe gently and deeply in and out.

Self-coaching Exercise:

Emotional Compass

Verschiedene Emojis bei Kirsten Pape, Persönlichkeits-Coaching und Paarcoaching in Köln

Are you aware of  how much your thoughts shape your feelings?

And your feelings determine your actions?

And your actions then shape the reality you experience?

If you learn to guide your thoughts mindfully, it will become easier and easier for you to develop an emotional compass, which can then become your own personal life compass.

You can achieve this by repeatedly asking yourself: How do I want to feel?

  • Focus your attention 100% on how you want to feel. Visualize, hear, smell and sense: How would your life, your relationship, your job feel if you (for example) felt joy or abundance?

  • Let yourself perceive the sensation you have chosen with all your senses. Feel into your body: where can you relax? How does this feeling feel when you really perceive it with your whole body?

  • Hold this feeling for at least 3 minutes or more.

  • What (new) thoughts arise when you feel this feeling? Become aware of the connection between your thoughts and your feelings.

  • Every day from now on, set your attention on re-establishing this positive feeling state by feeling it or remembering how it feels.

  • Practice this regularly for at least 40 days, preferably at a fixed time. Early morning is very good for this. Perhaps you will find a sentence for this new "state of being". Repeat this sentence several times a day and feel how you feel when you say it. Neuroscientific studies prove the lasting effect of this exercise.

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